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Reduce Training Time, Increase Retention, and Improve Performance

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Adopting AR & VR in your organization can reduce training time, enhance the onboarding process, increase retention, and improve the performance of your employees. AR/VR-based 3D simulations offer a life-like training experience and the necessary tools to track learners' progress and ensure that the training programs produce the desired result.

How to Use AR & VR for Workforce Development

AR and VR can be used in workforce development to help organizations transition from traditional training methods, recruitment, and team building to more of a technology-based workforce using AR and VR. This technology has the potential to help organizations train new employees, advance current employees’ skills, elevate the recruitment process, and expand ways to do team building.

AR and VR provide employees with an interactive and immersive experience that helps them retain information faster and easier as they are learning through experience. An example is: a new employee who is training to be a technician can start by using AR to learn where the controls are on the machine and how to fix the issue as practice, so they feel prepared and confident in their work.

  • Streamline Onboarding Icon Streamline Onboarding
  • Safe Training Environment Icon Safe Training Environment
  • Cost-Effective Training Icon Cost-Effective Training
  • Improved Knowledge Retention Icon Improved Knowledge Retention
  • Enhanced Productivity Icon Enhanced Productivity
  • Faster & Efficient Training Icon Faster & Efficient Training

Benefits of AR & VR in Workforce Development

There are several benefits to using AR & VR when it comes to workforce development. Some benefits are that AR and VR are cost-effective and safe.

Low Risk

Low Risk

Organizations can use AR & VR to help train new employees with little-to-no risk of hurting themselves or others. The simulated environment provides employees with an opportunity to experience different scenarios to help them prepare for the real thing. For instance, it can help employees who will be operating a forklift and prepare them for different situations. That way, when they are actually operating the forklift, they will be better prepared, and less likely accidents or injuries will happen.



AR and VR are more cost-effective than traditional methods of training, as traditional methods take enormous amounts of time and are expensive. It can also be even more expensive if the training is not effective, and the organization has to perform more. This is likely to happen as many employees still feel they are not properly prepared or trained after. Thus, VR and AR are affordable ways to train new employees as they only have to make a one-time purchase of headsets and controls.

Yes, this may cost more upfront, but it is beneficial in the long term, as organizations will spend less money on training. Employees will feel more prepared for work. A survey done in 2020 showed that employees feel more confident after VR training and exhibited 40% improvement and understanding compared to traditional training. Thus, VR and AR training can help employees feel more prepared for their job and save organizations money.

Memory Retention

Memory Retention

AR and VR are exciting, heavily interactive, and engage multiple senses and emotions. Thus, VR and AR enhance retention rates due to the immersive experiences and interactions. For that reason, VR provides employees with the ability to recall the content as if it was their own memory. For example, in 2017, a study was done where participants were presented with a 360-degree VR and a 2D video of a motorcycle ride, which was followed up with an unannounced survey 48 hours later, that was meant to recall their memory recognition. The results showed that participants associated the VR video with themselves and felt that they really did ride the motorcycle. In contrast, the traditional video felt like an isolated event that happened to someone else. Thus, if companies decided to use AR and VR for training and aspects of the job, it can provide their employees with better memory retention, which would result in them being better at their job.

Using AR & VR in Recruitment

Using AR and VR in recruitment can be used to help elevate companies and their hiring process. As in highly competitive markets, AR and VR can help showcase the brand and attract the most desirable candidates as they are more likely to choose the company that offers the latest technology.

VR Recruitment Icon
VR in Recruitment

VR provides companies with the opportunity to expand the recruitment process to more candidates, even if they are located somewhere else. VR can also help with the hiring process as it provides candidates the opportunity to get an office tour virtually and experience what the job is like on a day-to-day basis without wasting the company’s time and resources. Some companies already do this; for example, Jet, an e-commerce platform, uses Samsung’s VR gear to recruit new employees by creating a workplace simulation to give them an honest glimpse of the company’s culture.

AR Recruitment Icon
AR in Recruitment

AR in the recruitment process adds 3D computer-generated objects that provide the candidate with a new immersive reality that engages their senses and allows them to test the companies’ products and other resources safely. AR can be used to interview candidates by having them play different games related to the position. Then, the company can quickly decide if the candidate is suitable for the job or not. For instance, the company Hershey currently uses AR to engage potential candidates with the company and its culture. This allows candidates to experience what it would be like to be a part of the team.

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How to Use AR & VR Technologies to Gamify Job Applicants

There are several benefits to using AR & VR when it comes to workforce development. Some benefits are that AR and VR are cost-effective and safe.

How to Use AR & VR Technologies to Gamify Job Applicants - Organizations who decide to use AR & VR can gamify job applicants during interviews by using fun and interactive games to play with the applicants during interviews. The games can help organizations and candidates quickly learn about each other. For instance, some organizations use games like EY’s mobile game called Peak Strength, where candidates explore a virtual mountain. The game is meant to measure accuracy, logic, perception, and reaction. Using technology and games is important for organizations to stay relevant and keep younger generations interested. For instance, Lloyds Banking Group used VR during recruitment, and a Cardiff university politics and international relations graduate who works at Lloyds Banking Group stated, “It was one factor in my decision to accept the job.” Therefore, it is beneficial for organizations to stay updated with the latest technology and use it for games during recruitment, as it can be a major factor in one’s decision.

Gamify Job

How to Use AR & VR for General Training - AR and VR can make general training fun and more interactive. It can also be cost-effective as employers would not have to waste resources on training. It would also help employees become more efficient in their roles faster than traditional general training due to employees being more engaged during the training.

According to an article by IBM, VR-based training can reduce training time by 40% and improve employee performance by 70%. Thus, it makes sense for companies to switch to non-traditional ways of training as it is more efficient and cost-effective.

General Training

How to Use AR & VR for Team Building - Team building has always been a very important aspect of maintaining an organization’s culture. It helps employees and employers get to know each other, trust each other, and rely on each other during projects. In the past, people have planned team-building events at different places such as bowling alleys, restaurants, bars, and any relaxed environment. This can be fun, but it does come with its own set of challenges of transportation, costly, time-consuming, and exclusion. Thus, with today’s technology, it can be easier to have team building using AR and VR by having virtual gathering rooms where people can play games and collaborate. Using AR and VR for team building can keep everyone engaged, ensure no one is excluded, and cancel the need for transportation and expenses. Thus, AR and VR are not meant to replace these in-person interactions, but they are intended to be used as resources accessible to all.

Team Building

Examples of Augmented Reality in Workforce Development

Augmented reality combines both the real and virtual world, real-time interactions, and software with the ability to register both real and virtual objects in 3D. Thus, AR is useful for workforce development in various ways.

Medical Field
Medical Field

Augmented reality can be very helpful in the medical field. Many institutions use AR to see 3D graphics, immersive images of human bodies, and interactive visuals that provide guidance on different medical conditions.

Therefore, AR training will help potential and current employees with the skills to identify medical conditions and see different parts of the human body easier and clearer. This will provide more patients with better quality care and the potential to save more lives.


Organizations can now use augmented reality to help train new employees and develop current employees’ skills further. For instance, a newly hired manufacturing worker may use augmented reality glasses or use a device such as an iPad to see all the graphics overlaid on the machine and how to operate the controls.

This training method will help train employees quickly and efficiently, providing well-trained employees for the organization.

Examples of Virtual Reality in Workforce Development

Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that alters the user’s perceptions and allows them to interact with a simulated 3D environment. VR technology provides organizations with the opportunity to completely immerse their employees in an environment or situation, which will give them the opportunity to develop in their role and create different skills.

Develop Soft Skills

Develop Soft Skills

VR can help organizations train their employees to have different soft skills such as empathy, a professional attitude, and leadership skills. Organizations can ensure this by giving their employees different scenarios that they may face on the job using VR. Therefore, when an employee receives a call from an unhappy customer who is calling about a product they purchased, the employee will be prepared for this interaction and will know how to be empathic about the situation and professional.

Professional Driving

Professional Driving

Traditionally, when companies hire a new driver, they have them watch and learn from other drivers and read manuals. However, a better way to learn is by doing. Thus, VR can help ensure companies that their drivers are ready and prepared for the road with an immersive and interactive experience, which puts them through several scenarios that feel real. VR will also help prevent any accidents from happening during training.

How XR Guru Helps to Improve Workforce Development?

XR Guru helps to improve workforce development by providing organizations with pre-made or customized packages for their specific field. XR Guru also provides features for organizations that allow them to see their data and help them determine the effectiveness of the training program and see what areas need improvement. In addition, they can track their employees' progress in training to ensure they are progressing along.

If your organization is not sure AR or VR technology would improve workforce development, you can visit the XR Guru website. There are tons of information and resources for organizations to read about AR and VR in the workplace. For instance, XR Guru houses several blogs and FAQs on immersive workforce training that can answer questions you may have. Some of the FAQs are How can AR be used in the workplace or How AR/VR can help save your business money . XR Guru helps inform organizations about AR and VR technology and helps them get started when they are ready.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In the past, most organizations relied on conventional training methods such as user manuals or one-on-one training for workforce development. However, many organizations have started to embrace Augmented Reality services for corporate training and workforce development. As AR services allows employees to participate actively in training activities, thus improving the training experience. With AR, employees can learn at their own pace even from remote locations and learn from their mistakes without worrying about potential real-life consequences. For instance, heavy equipment training can be dangerous and expensive. But, with AR content, people can experience "realistic" scenarios and learn to effectively operate the equipment before they are required to run the equipment for real.
Using AR/VR technology can help the onboarding process for employees learn faster and retain knowledge longer. As well as help employees get a better understanding of concepts and processes by providing a first-hand experience. Thus, giving employees the opportunity to improve their skill set is an effective way to improve employee retention by showing you are invested in their future.
Organizations in multiple industries have started to realize the potential of Augmented Reality and are using AR services to transform their workplace by offering interactive and 3D AR experiences. The gamified elements make the workplace more engaging and encourages workers to think outside the box, which in turn can result in new solutions. Furthermore, achievable goals, rewards systems, and the challenge of solving interesting problems leads to increased job satisfaction. Therefore, AR is transforming the workplace into a interactive and fun place to train and work.
Incorporating AR/VR services in your training process offers a safe, cost-effective way to train your employees. Also it has the potential to drive more consumers to e-commerce websites where they can virtually 'try-on' products to check if the product meets their needs. In addition, companies can interview candidates from different parts of the world face-to-face using virtual meetings, where they will be able to see and hear the candidate's response and observe their body language. Thus, there are many uses for AR/VR in the workplace.
AR/VR is helping solve the industrial workforce crisis by updating training tools and making training more effective. Some examples are training employees with videos and 3D products such as remote assistance. This product can help guide employees through a task remotely. In addition, AR is making training more efficient with learning by "doing" and learning from mistakes without endangering anyone.
Adopting AR/VR services is a great way to help your business save money. This is because certain training activities such as heavy machine training and safety drills can be risky and costly to set up. So, incorporating AR/VR services in your training process offers a safe, cost-effective platform to train your employees. With AR/VR technology, you can create "life-like" scenarios and train people to perform critical tasks in a safe environment without the fear of causing harm to one’s life, property, or equipment.
Augmented Reality is used in business to enhance content and make it more engaging for their customers by utilizing AR services. As AR empowers consumers to visualize objects, modify their features (color, size, etc.), and make observations, thereby helping customers make well-informed buying decisions. In addition, AR is being used in training employees to have proper soft skills. For instance, if a customer is unhappy about a product the employee will know exactly how to handle this situation due to practice using AR.
Augmented Reality technology enhances workplace collaboration with AR-powered remote assistance, as it can help guide workers through various problems like fixing a car. Also, it can help co-workers collaborate more efficiently through AR as they can work together on a project, interact with it, which will help them communicate better.
Augmented reality can improve the training process by allowing employees to participate actively in training activities, thus improving the training experience. It is important to have hands-on training for workers because learning by "doing" helps them retain information longer and provides them with the experience of working in that field, without putting equipment or anyone at risk.
AR/VR technology makes the onboarding-process a safe training environment where people can train, gain valuable experience, and sharpen their skills without worrying about the real-life consequences. As people can use AR training to watch detailed demonstrations or conduct equipment training with AR object recognition. In addition, XR technology for corporate training can reduce the training period as the employees learn faster and retain information longer.
Augmented reality helps improve the workplace safety. As AR offers a safe training environment where employees can sharpen their skills without worrying about the risk of inflicting harm upon individuals or expensive equipment. With AR, employees can learn at their own pace even from remote locations and learn from their mistakes without worrying about potential real-life consequences.
Organizations can use AR/VR for recruitment to advance their hiring process and help them find the best candidate for their organization. They can do this by gamifying the interview and playing games together during the interview. It will help the organization assess the potential candidate's skills. Also, it helps the candidate figure out if they would enjoy the job or be a good fit.
Augmented Reality can change the way employees work by using AR to make the workplace more fun and interactive, which will make employees more motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their job. Employees will begin to be more motivated and productive at work because work will now be more fun as work will be delivered through immersive and graphic visuals.
Augmented Reality can make a positive impact on the workplace. Some examples are improved communication and better wellbeing among employees as AR can help them conduct meetings with each other virtually. In addition, the training process for employees will be quicker and more efficient as organizations and businesses will spend less time on training and their employees will be better prepared for the job with AR training, as they learn by "doing" using interactive images and videos.
There are several benefits to using augmented reality with your business. For instance, businesses can allow customers to use AR to visualize objects and make the shopping experience more engaging. Also, AR can allow customers to modify features on a product and make a well informed buying decision. In addition, businesses and organizations who have implemented AR may convey the organization is forward-thinking and innovated.
Augmented Reality will change the industry as it will make it easier to work remotely. For example, people will be able to work from anywhere using AR and have online meetings with their co-workers. This will also benefit organizations because they will be able to hire and train people from anywhere as long as the position is remote. Thus, AR remote will help change the workforce to be more accessible.
AR/VR can help employees explore various career opportunities using AR/VR learning environments. It provides learners an opportunity to better understand what a real job is like through simulations. Also it allows employees to train to perform critical tasks in a safe environment without fear of making costly mistakes. Thus, AR/VR can help employees achieve career advancement by quickly and easily learning new skills using 3D 360 and 3D animations.
Every organization in multiple industries needs augmented reality because with augmented reality, you can mix game elements with work by introducing fun, interactive games, and challenges that boost employee engagement and productivity. This can work for virtually every industry including retail, automotive, or the medical field. Furthermore, AR can help improve employee's motivation and job satisfaction, which will help their interactions with customers and clients.
VR is used in the workplace for several purposes such as training, recruiting process, and video interviews to help make these processes more cost and time efficient. As well help employees become more prepared and confident in their role at the organization.
VR has the potential to be a big part of the workplace as more organizations move towards hybrid or online working, and others look for ways to save money on training and make sure their employees are properly trained. Thus, VR can help accomplish these goals by using simulations for training and can be used for remote work and help collaboration as well.
Virtual reality is profitable as it has the potential to boost employee’s productivity, make the training process more effective, and take less time. Thus, VR can help organizations save money on training and boost employees productivity and engagement.
There are several benefits of virtual reality. Here are a few examples. VR can help improve workplace safety by providing realistic training to organizations to help employees be prepared and confident for many different situations. Also, VR can decrease incident costs as most training will be done with simulations and decrease training time as well.
It is recommended that people only stay in VR for 30 minutes at a time and take 10 to 15 minutes break after. This is to avoid symptoms of nausea, headaches, eyestrain, and dizziness.
There are pros and cons to everything including virtual reality. Thus, some pros are VR provides a safe training environment for employees, it boosts productivity as it makes working exciting, and engaging. Now, some cons are there could be temporary symptoms such as motion sickness if used for too long and the cost can be high.
VR has the potential to affect businesses positively as it will help them become more technology advanced, which will help them stand out from competition, and it has the ability to improve their business overall with better trained employees.
An organization might want to use VR to train their employees and allow them to make mistakes without harming themselves or anyone else. Also, they might want to use it to make the recruiting process faster, interactive, and engaging, which will help organizations decide if someone is a good fit for the role or not.
Full immersive VR appears to be sometime in the far distance, if it is at all possible. It could be anywhere from 20-100 years away due to limitations such as possible health concerns and high costs.
The difference between AR and VR is that AR is not a fully immersive experience and just adds digital images into the real world. For example, an organization can use AR on a tablet to see where parts on a car go. On the other hand, VR is a fully immersive experience in a virtual world. For instance, an organization may train employees using simulations to practice different situations with customers.
Virtual reality has changed the way various industries perform certain task like training, recruitment, and collaboration. As organizations now can train and recruit their employees with VR, and co-workers can collaborate using VR as well. Thus, virtual reality has changed from only being used to play games to being used in several different industries.
There were several early attempts of VR with the stereoscope, Link trainer, and the sensorama. It was not until 1968 Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull created the first AR/VR head mounted display that was connected to a computer. However, the term virtual reality was not coined until 1987.
Yes, VR is 3D as it uses 3D graphics, images, or 360-degree videos on smartphones, computers, and headsets.
Yes, VR can connect to a laptop. However, some laptops do not run well with VR. Thus, if you want to run VR on a laptop and it must be newer, good graphic card, and great cooling.
Virtual reality can help a company market its brand, product, or service with the use of 360-degree videos and it can help a company boost the customer experience by allowing customers to virtually try out products and services. These are just a few examples how virtual reality can help a company.
Virtual reality training works by organizations using VR to train their employees with workplace simulations that relates to their positions.
Virtual reality is important because virtual reality has the potential to change and advance many industries that will help train people and prepare people for real-life.
Yes, VR training is effective as there are several statistics that state VR is an effective way of training. Some examples are VR trained surgeons were 29% faster and made 6x fewer errors and VR learners are 40% more confident in applying what they are taught.
Virtual reality for employees is becoming popular because it is a fun, interactive, and cost-effective way to train employees. Many organizations are realizing this as more and more companies are using VR to train their employees.
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